Faster, easier, and more accurate scanning
Primescan is continuously improved to enhance performance and expand its applications. It enables high precision digital impression with a patented scanning technology and offers superior performance by capturing more data in higher resolution in less time.
Thanks to its high level of accuracy Primescan is the first intraoral scanner to be validated for Atlantis suprastructures for fixed multiple-unit implant restorations. Outstanding accuracy and reliable quality no matter the indication or materials ensures a perfect fit for any restoration or appliance.
- Full arch scan in less than one minute
- Real-time artifact removal
- Easy scanning of all dental materials including shiny materials and hard-to-reach areas like deep cavities
- Easy and intuitive impression taking allows delegation to practice team
A Friendly Practice For All Your Dental Needs
- Dental Alternatives is a general dental practice, located in a northern suburb of Columbus Ohio. We are dedicated to helping you achieve a better quality of life by maintaining or improving your oral health.
- At our dental office, the focus is on you. Your individuality will be respected and you will always have choices regarding your treatment.
- We are interested in helping you to achieve and maintain a healthy mouth. It's important for your overall wellness.
- If you no longer want mercury-containing amalgam fillings in your teeth, we can safely replace them with durable, non-metallic fillings (composites or porcelain).
- Your gums and jawbone are the foundation for your teeth. We can use gentle, modern techniques to help you get them and keep them in shape.
- If a whiter, more attractive smile is what you're after, we can help make it happen.
- We strive to make our services affordable by accepting most insurance plans and providing flexible financing options.
- Both adults and children are welcome.